IIT Publications List

Relevant Papers
Bortolon M., Tsesmelis T., James S., Poiesi F., Del Bue A.
6DGS: 6D Pose Estimation from a Single Image and a 3D Gaussian Splatting Model
European Conference on Computer Vision
Scarpellini G., Fiorini S., Giuliari F., Morerio P., Del Bue A.
DiffAssemble: A Unified Graph-Diffusion Model for 2D and 3D Reassembly
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024
Scarpellini G., Rosa S., Morerio P., Natale L., Del Bue A.
Look Around and Learn: Self-Training Object Detection by Exploration
European Conference on Computer Vision
Giuliari F., Skenderi G., Cristani M., Wang Y., Del Bue A.
Spatial Commonsense Graph for Object Localisation in Partial Scenes
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, vol. 2022-June, pp. 19496-19505


IIT Publications Search

Gori M., Schiatti L., Faggioni M., Amadeo M.B.
Lesson learned from the COVID-19 pandemic: toddlers learn earlier to read emotions with face masks
Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 15, pp. 1386937
Morelli F., Schiatti L., Cappagli G., Martolini C., Gori M., Signorini S.
Clinical assessment of the TechArm system on visually impaired and blind children during uni- and multi-sensory perception tasks
Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol. 17
Schiatti L., Gori M., Schrimpf M., Cappagli G., Morelli F., Signorini S., Katz B., Barbu A.
Modeling Visual Impairments with Artificial Neural Networks: a Review
International Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics, in Conjunction With ICCV 2023
Conference Paper Conference
Gori M., Schiatti L., Amadeo M.B.
Masking Emotions: Face Masks Impair How We Read Emotions
Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 12
Schiatti L., Cappagli G., Martolini C., Maviglia A., Signorini S., Gori M., Crepaldi M.
A Novel Wearable and Wireless Device to Investigate Perception in Interactive Scenarios
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, vol. 2020-July, pp. 3252-3255
Reboli T., Meloni S., Ballardini G., Carlini G., Casadio M., Sante F., Serafica M., Vigo G., Schiatti L.
Hybrid Actuation Mechanism for an Ultra Low-Cost Transhumeral Prosthesis: Preliminary Study
International Conference on Neurorehabilitation
Conference Paper Conference
Schiatti L., Gori M.
Effect of visual impairments on the auditory-visual fusion in speech perception: a pilot study
European Conference on Visual Perception ECVP 2019 Leuven
Poster Conference
Malvicino S., Schiatti L., Tessadori J., Barresi G., Casadio M., Mattos L. S.
Low-cost and Open-source Semi-dry electrodes for assistive BCIs
41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'19)
Poster Conference
Schiatti L., Signorini S., Gori M.
Quantitative evaluation of visual social attention in children with low vision using eye-tracking
Child Vision Research Society (CVRS) 2019
Poster Conference
Schiatti L., Barresi G., Tessadori J., King L.C., Mattos L.S.
The Effect of Vibrotactile Feedback on ErrP-based Adaptive Classification of Motor Imagery
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, pp. 6750-6753
Schiatti L., Barresi G., Tessadori J., King L. C., and Mattos L.S.
The Effect of Vibrotactile Feedback on ErrP-based Adaptive Classification of Motor Imagery
41th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society – EMBC’19
Conference Paper Conference
Schiatti L., Tessadori J., Deshpande N., Barresi G., Mattos L.
Human-in-the-Loop of Robot Learning: EEG-based Reward Signal for Target Identification and Reaching Task
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2018 (ICRA)
Conference Paper Conference
Tessadori J., Schiatti L., Barresi G., Mattos L.
Does Tactile Feedback Enhance Single-Trial Detection of Error-Related EEG Potentials?
2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), pp. 1417 - 1422
Barresi G., Tessadori J., Schiatti L., Mazzanti D., Caldwell D.G., Mattos L.S.
Focus-sensitive dwell time in EyeBCI: Pilot study
2016 8th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference, CEEC 2016 - Conference Proceedings, pp. 54-59
Schiatti L., Tessadori J., Barresi G., Mattos L.S., Ajoudani A.
Soft brain-machine interfaces for assistive robotics: A novel control approach
IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, pp. 863-869