IIT Publications List

Relevant Papers
Bortolon M., Tsesmelis T., James S., Poiesi F., Del Bue A.
6DGS: 6D Pose Estimation from a Single Image and a 3D Gaussian Splatting Model
European Conference on Computer Vision
Scarpellini G., Fiorini S., Giuliari F., Morerio P., Del Bue A.
DiffAssemble: A Unified Graph-Diffusion Model for 2D and 3D Reassembly
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024
Giuliari F., Skenderi G., Cristani M., Wang Y., Del Bue A.
Spatial Commonsense Graph for Object Localisation in Partial Scenes
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, vol. 2022-June, pp. 19496-19505


IIT Publications Search

Nardelli A., Pasquali D., Landolfi L., Bernotat J., Rea F.
Application of Working Memory Adapted Navigation for Human Robot Interaction in an Industrial Context
7th HBP Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research
Conference Paper Conference
Bernotat J., Jirak D., Sandoval E.B., Cruz F., Sciutti A.
Asch Meets HRI: Human Conformity to Robot Groups
GROUND Workshop at IEEE RO-MAN Conference
Abstract Report Conference
Bernotat J., Jirak D., Triglia L., Rea F., Sciutti A.
Personality matters – How a robot’s behavior conveys personality and how this affects potential drivers’ preferences and trust in HRI
Conference on Embodied Situated Language Processing
Abstract Report Conference
Bernotat J., Landolfi L., Pasquali D., Nardelli A., Rea F.
Remember me - user-centered implementation of working memory architectures on an industrial robot
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 10, (no. Sec. Robot Vision and Artificial Perception)
Landolfi L., Pasquali D., Nardelli A., Bernotat J., Rea F.
Working Memory Based Architecture for Human-Aware Navigation in Industrial Settings
32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication
Conference Paper Conference
Nardelli A., Landolfi L., Pasquali D., Bernotat J., Rea F.
Application of Memory Adapted Navigation for Human Robot Interaction in an Industrial Context
To be announced
Article Journal
Pasquali D., Landolfi L., Rea F., Bernotat J., Nardelli A.
Application of Memory Adapted Navigation for Human Robot Interaction in an Industrial Context. In progress, to be submitted to the International Journal of Social Robotics
To be announced
Article Journal
Pasquali D., Landolfi L., Bernotat J., Nardelli A., Rea F.
PROMEN-AID - PROactive MEmory iN AI for Development
Maker Faire Rome 2022
Poster Conference
Guerra E., Bernotat J., Carvacho H., Bohner G.
Ladies First: Gender Stereotypes Drive Anticipatory Eye-Movements During Incremental Sentence Interpretation
Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 12
Bernotat J., Eyssel F., Sachse J.
The (Fe)male Robot: How Robot Body Shape Impacts First Impressions and Trust Towards Robots
International Journal of Social Robotics, vol. 13, (no. 3), pp. 477-489
Strait M., Lier F., Bernotat J., Wachsmuth S., Eyssel F., Goldstone R., Sabanovic S.
A three-site reproduction of the joint simon effect with the NAO robot
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, pp. 103-110
Bernotat J., Eyssel F.
Can('t) Wait to Have a Robot at Home? - Japanese and German Users' Attitudes Toward Service Robots in Smart Homes
RO-MAN 2018 - 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, pp. 15-22
Lucking P., Lier F., Bernotat J., Wachsmuth S., Abanovi S., Eyssel F.
Geographically Distributed Deployment of Reproducible HRI Experiments in an Interdisciplinary Research Context
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, pp. 181-182
Trovato G., Lucho C., Eyssel F., Bernotat J.
The Influence of Body Proportions on Perceived Gender of Robots in Latin America
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10715 LNAI, pp. 158-168
Bernotat J., Eyssel F.
An evaluation study of robot designs for smart environments
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, pp. 87-88