IIT Publications List

Relevant Papers
Bortolon M., Tsesmelis T., James S., Poiesi F., Del Bue A.
6DGS: 6D Pose Estimation from a Single Image and a 3D Gaussian Splatting Model
European Conference on Computer Vision
Scarpellini G., Fiorini S., Giuliari F., Morerio P., Del Bue A.
DiffAssemble: A Unified Graph-Diffusion Model for 2D and 3D Reassembly
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024
Giuliari F., Skenderi G., Cristani M., Wang Y., Del Bue A.
Spatial Commonsense Graph for Object Localisation in Partial Scenes
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, vol. 2022-June, pp. 19496-19505


IIT Publications Search

Organized Events
Bertolasi J., Bertonati G., Calafatello G., Campus C., Esposito D., Guarischi M., Petri S., Setti W., Tammurello C., Vitale A.
How to be a scientist: one week of training for high school students
Bertolasi J., Bertonati G., Calafatello G., Campus C., Esposito D., Guarischi M., Petri S., Setti W., Tammurello C., Vitale A., Zanchi S., Gori M.
How to be a scientist: one week of training for high school students
Bertolasi J., Bertonati G., Calafatello G., Campus C., Esposito D., Guarischi M., Petri S., Setti W., Tammurello C., Vitale A., Zanchi S., Gori M.
How to be a scientist: one week of training for high school students
Bertolasi J., Bertonati G., Calafatello G., Campus C., Esposito D., Guarischi M., Petri S., Setti W., Tammurello C., Vitale A., Zanchi S., Gori M.
How to be a scientist: one week of training for high school students
Bertolasi J., Bertonati G., Calafatello G., Campus C., Esposito D., Guarischi M., Petri S., Setti W., Tammurello C., Vitale A., Zanchi S., Gori M.
How to be a scientist: one week of training for high school students
Gori M.
Nuove tecnologie alla scoperta dei nostri sensi
Gori M., Campus C., Vitali H.
Nuove tecnologie alla scoperta dei nostri sensi
Campus C., Inuggi A.
Advanced EEG Analyses (a.a. 2020-21)
Gori M., Campus C., Setti W.
Multisensory development and rehabilitation devices based on haptic, visual, and audio signals
Rivara I., Bonato M., Campus C., Setti W.
UVIP Demo Amarlo Day 2021
Campus C., Inuggi A.
Advanced EEG Analyses (a.a. 2019-20)
Campus C., Inuggi A.
Advanced EEG Analyses (a.a. 2017-18)
Gori M.
Spatial and temporal cross-sensory calibration typical and impaired children and adults
Gori M., Cuturi L. F., Tonelli A., Campus C., Setti W., Amadeo M., Martolini C., Esposito D., Domenici N.
U-VIP day
Campus C., Inuggi A.
Advanced EEG Analyses (a.a. 2018-19)