I am a PostDoc in the PAVIS group at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT). The main focus of my research activity is the design of computer vision models that enable robots to explore and interact with objects or people in the environment.
Before joining IIT, I was a PhD student in Interactive and Cognitive Environments, a joint Doctorate between University of Genoa and Queen Mary University of London. The main topic of my PhD research was Affordance Segmentation that identifies the surfaces of potential interaction between an agent (e.g. a robotic hand) and an object relying only on visual information. The exciting and fascinating aspect of Affordance Segmentation is the connection to robotic and prosthetic applications, enabling assistive technologies (e.g., grasping, object manipulation) or collaborative human-robot scenarios.

Title: PhD in Interactive and Cognitive Environments
Institute: University of Genoa | Queen Mary University of London
Location: Genoa | London
Country: Italy | UK
From: 2020 To: 2023
Title: MSc in Electronics Engineering
Institute: University of Genoa
Location: Genoa
Country: Italy
From: 2017 To: 2019
Title: BSc in Electronics Engineering and Information Technologies
Institute: University of Genoa
Location: Genoa
Country: Italy
From: 2014 To: 2017