DELIGHT aims at excellence of Europe in nanoscience and impact in research and development at the highest level. The project focuses on multifunctional nanomaterials based on colloidal particles, organic/inorganic perovskites, and organic and biomaterials. Design and fabrication of these materials for state-of-the-art applications requires a high level of interdisciplinarity with expertise from chemistry, physics, material science, engineering, nanofabrication and biology, combined with the most advanced spectroscopy tools. The scientific objectives of DELIGHT are to establish a platform of highly versatile functional nanomaterials, with the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence for material/device development and characterization. The focus is on multifunctional hybrids, heterostructures, and assemblies, and to fully exploit their potential for catalysis, energy, lighting, plasmonics, and theranostics. The research is organized in 3 work packages (WPs) that target nanomaterial development, functional composites and in-depth characterization, and device applications. Social and training objectives are the education of young researchers in Europe on the highest level, with emphasis on interdisciplinarity that is fundamental in modern nanoscience, the advancement of technological know-how that enables a sustainable and eco-friendly modern society, and promotion of gender equality in the scientific landscape at all levels. These goals are implemented in a WP dedicated to training, organizing lectures, workshops, technology transfer, and outreach and dissemination events. DELIGHT assembled an academic team of outstanding excellence, which links key players in the EU working on state-of-the-art nanomaterials with world leading universities in the US, Canada, and Argentina that are known for their unique scientific and technological capabilities and efficient technology transfer.
Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR)
Designing of multifunctional nanomaterials for light-driven innovation technologies
Data inizio
Data fine
Persone coinvolte
Roman Krahne
Total budget: 473.800,00€
Total contribution: 473.800,00€
CUP J33C22001180001, ammesso a finanziamento dal MUR con Decreto Direttoriale di concessione delle agevolazioni n. 1031 del 17 giugno 2022, in risposta all’Avviso N. 3138 del 16/12/2021 che dà attuazione all’Investimento 1.4 - “Potenziamento strutture di ricerca e creazione di "campioni nazionali di R&S" su alcune Key Enabling Technologies” – nell’ambito della Missione 4 “Istruzione e ricerca”, Componente 2 “Dalla ricerca all’impresa” del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza.