Tanwar S., Millan-Solsona R., Ruiz-Molina S., Mas-Torrent M., Kyndiah A., Gomila G.
Automated Scanning Dielectric Microscopy Toolbox for Operando Nanoscale Electrical Characterization of Electrolyte-Gated Organic Transistors
Advanced Electronic Materials, vol. 10, (no. 11)
Tanwar S., Millan-Solsona R., Ruiz-Molina S., Mas-Torrent M., Kyndiah A., Gomila G.
Nanoscale Operando Characterization of Electrolyte-Gated Organic Field-Effect Transistors Reveals Charge Transport Bottlenecks
Advanced Materials, vol. 36, (no. 13)
Pecunia V., Petti L., Andrews J.B., Ollearo R., Gelinck G.H., Nasrollahi B., Jailani J.M., Li N., Kim J.H., Ng T.N., Feng H., Chen Z., Guo Y., Shen L., Lhuillier E., Kuo L., Sangwan V.K., Hersam M.C., Fraboni B., Basirico L., Ciavatti A., Wu H., Niu G., Tang J., Yang G., Kim D., Dremann D., Jurchescu O.D., Bederak D., Shulga A.G., Costa P., Perinka N., Lanceros-Mendez S., Chortos A., Khuje S., Yu J., Ren S., Mascia A., Concas M., Cosseddu P., Young R.J., Yokota T., Somoya T., Jeon S.J., Zhao N., Li Y., Shukla D., Wu S., Zhu Y., Takei K., Huang Y., Spiece J., Gehring P., Persaud K., Llobet E., Krik S., Vasquez S., Costa Angeli M.A., Lugli P., Fabbri B., Spagnoli E., Rossi A., Occhipinti L.G., Tang C., Yi W., Ravenscroft D., Kandukuri T.R., Abideen Z.U., Azimi Z., Tricoli A., Rivadeneyra A., Rojas S., Gaiardo A., Valt M., Galstyan V., Zappa D., Comini E., Noel V., Mattana G., Piro B., Strand E., Bihar E., Whiting G.L., Shkodra B., Petrelli M., Moro G., Raucci A., Miglione A., Cinti S., Casson A.J., Wang Z., Bird D., Batchelor J.C., Xing L., Johnson L.S.J., Alwattar A.A., Kyndiah A., Viola F.A., Caironi M., Albarghouthi F.M., Smith B.N., Franklin A.D., Pal A., Banerjee K., Johnson Z.T., Claussen J.C., Moudgil A., Leong W.L.
Roadmap on printable electronic materials for next-generation sensors
Nano Futures, vol. 8, (no. 3)
Huetter L., Kyndiah A., Gomila G.
Analytical Physical Model for Electrolyte Gated Organic Field Effect Transistors in the Helmholtz Approximation
Advanced Theory and Simulations
Huetter L., Kyndiah A., Gomila G.
Analytical Physical Model for Organic Metal-Electrolyte-Semiconductor Capacitors
Advanced Theory and Simulations, vol. 6, (no. 1)
Kyndiah A., Dipalo M., Molazemhosseini A., Viola F.A., Modena F., Iachetta G., Zorn N.F., Berger F.J., Zaumseil J., Caironi M., De Angelis F.
Direct recording of action potentials of cardiomyocytes through solution processed planar electrolyte-gated field-effect transistors
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, vol. 393
Kyndiah A., Dipalo M., Molazemhosseini A., Viola F., Modena F., Iachetta G., Zorn N.F., Popovic Z., Stojanovic G., Zaumseil J., De Angelis F., Caironi M.
Direct Recording of Intracellular Potentials of Cardiomyocytes Through Solution Processed Planar Electrolyte-Gated Field-Effect Transistors
FLEPS 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems, Proceedings
Kyndiah A., Checa M., Leonardi F., Millan-Solsona R., Di Muzio M., Tanwar S., Fumagalli L., Mas-Torrent M., Gomila G.
Nanoscale Mapping of the Conductivity and Interfacial Capacitance of an Electrolyte-Gated Organic Field-Effect Transistor under Operation
Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 31, (no. 5)
Kyndiah A., Leonardi F., Tarantino C., Cramer T., Millan-Solsona R., Garreta E., Montserrat N., Mas-Torrent M., Gomila G.
Bioelectronic Recordings of Cardiomyocytes with Accumulation Mode Electrolyte Gated Organic Field Effect Transistors
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 150
Kyndiah A., Leonardi F., Tarantino C., Cramer T., Millan-Solsona R., Garreta E., Montserrat N., Mas-Torrent M., Gomila G.
Bioelectronic Recordings of Cardiomyocytes with Accumulation Mode Electrolyte Gated Organic Field Effect Transistors
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 150
Alic T.Yi., Ablat A., Kyndiah A., Nicolas Y., Can M., Kus M., Abbas M.
Interface modification of DNTT-based organic field effect transistors using boronic acid derivatives
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 53, (no. 6)
Ablat A., Kyndiah A., Bachelet A., Takimiya K., Hirsch L., Fasquel S., Abbas M.
Low optical turn-on voltage in solution processed hybrid light emitting transistor
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 115, (no. 2)
Ablat A., Kyndiah A., Houin G., Alic T.Y., Hirsch L., Abbas M.
Role of Oxide/Metal Bilayer Electrodes in Solution Processed Organic Field Effect Transistors
Scientific Reports, vol. 9, (no. 1)
Kyndiah A., Ablat A., Guyot-Reeb S., Schultz T., Zu F., Koch N., Amsalem P., Chiodini S., Yilmaz Alic T., Topal Y., Kus M., Hirsch L., Fasquel S., Abbas M.
A Multifunctional Interlayer for Solution Processed High Performance Indium Oxide Transistors
Scientific Reports, vol. 8, (no. 1)
Desbief S., di Lauro M., Casalini S., Guerin D., Tortorella S., Barbalinardo M., Kyndiah A., Murgia M., Cramer T., Biscarini F., Vuillaume D.
Electrolyte-gated organic synapse transistor interfaced with neurons
Organic Electronics: physics, materials, applications, vol. 38, pp. 21-28