IIT People Search

Research center

Title: Master degree in Psychology
Institute: Università degli Studi di Genova
Location: Genova
Country: Italia
From: 2018 To: 2020

All Publications
Siri G., Abubshait A., De Tommaso D., Cardellicchio P., D'Ausilio A., Wykowska A.
Motor Inhibition in joint Action tasks with Humans and Robots
9th Joint Action Meeting
Poster Conference
Abubshait A., Siri G., Wykowska A.
Does attributing mental states to a robot influence accessibility of information represented during reading?
Acta Psychologica, vol. 228
Siri G., Abubshait A., De Tommaso D., Cardellicchio P., DAusilio A., Wykowska A.
Expectations about mental states of a robot influence performance in a collaborative task with a robot for males but not females
IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication
Conference Paper Conference
Siri G., Abubshait A., De Tommaso D., Cardellicchio P., D'Ausilio A., Wykowska A.
Perceptions of a robot's mental states influence performance in a collaborative task for males and females differently
RO-MAN 2022 - 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication: Social, Asocial, and Antisocial Robots, pp. 1238-1243
Conference Paper Conference
Siri G., Marchesi S., Wykowska A., Chiorri C.
The Personality of a Robot. An Adaptation of the HEXACO – 60 as a Tool for HRI
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 13086 LNAI, pp. 707-717